Last Orders
03/15/24 1h55m46.67s Source |
If you know and were there, then raise a cup to the cafe. This loss will feel all too familiar, as old wounds threaten to reopen. However, despite the circumstances its heart will live on, thanks to the hard work and planning of our most dedicated people. Indeed from what I gather almost all of us managed to make it out, as neighboring establishments old and new welcomed the 30 or so tables that called the cafe home. On that note I'm delighted to see that so many of you came along with us, although things have changed those bonds haven't broken, that spirit of community resides in all of us and we should take the lessons learned into the new dawn. To our departing host I'm extremely grateful for the years we had. The communities you served have benefited immensely and what ever the future holds, I have no doubt you'll put your talents to good use. Thank you! |